Name: Donovan Gilderhus

School: Olympic College – Transferring to Dakota State University

City and State: Graham, WA

Graduation Year and GPA: 2025/3.47

Position(s): 2nd, SS

Throw: Right

Hit: Right

What are some areas of your game that you have been focusing on lately to improve upon?

I’ve been focusing a lot on my speed and agility in the infield to increase my range as well as arm strength for those deep ground balls in the 6 or 4 hole.

What are some goals you hope to reach in the next year or couple of years?

Some goals are I hope to reach us to continue advancing my skills in baseball at Dakota State U but as well as getting my degree.

How long have you been playing baseball and what got you started in the game?

I’ve been playing the game ever since I was roughly 6-7 years old. Started out at little league to now being a college baseball player. What truly got me started to play ball was my Dad. Ever since he got me my first baseball glove I’ve fallen more and more deeply in love with the game.

What are some of your favorite things about the game of baseball?

I love the competition and grind the game has to offer but my favorite thing has to be making memories with my teammates on and off the field.

Who in your life has helped push you to be your best on the field?

My parents definitely. They’ve pushed me to be the best ever since I picked up a baseball.